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an open contest, a work in process


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The project aims to promote research results and stimulate further interest in new media and social networking in relation to photography.

Mobiles are constantly reframing the way we interact with reality and each other. Having a digital camera always at hand brings forth a significative different approach to photography. In addition the possibility of edit post and share the pictures on the go addresses important issues about contemporary photography .

We run an open contest on the major social network and picture sharing platform: Facebook and Flickr. During a period of three months we encouraged people to shoot, edit and share pictures with mobile devices. Every week the participants vote for their favorites . The best 100 pictures will be published and printed on the iPhone art photography book.

This project hopes to stimulate debate on:

  • new media and digital imaging
  • how are we looking at the object with the technologies we use
  • the photographic commons, Flickr, Facebook and how sharing gives new life to photography
  • and finally how do we define photography today

Our next contest will be focused on fitness photography, our goal is to promote a healthier lifestyle and to show the world it can be easier than expected. Due to all the diseases that can be prevented by having a balanced diet and a daily workout, we should be more cautious with what we consume and how sedentary our life is.  There is more information here about the influence of supplements in your diet and the objectives for the next contest.

20 Responses to “About”

Anthony ChungJuly 4th, 2010 at 11:04 AM

Thank you iPhoneartphotography, it’s a great network platfotm for us to sharing our photos and to alternate with lots of new friends.
Thank you very much for all the people who work, share and join in iPhoneartphotography!

LeaJuly 5th, 2010 at 1:21 PM

I have thoroughly enjoyed participating & interacting with such interesting & creative folks! Thank you!!!

Kathleen Henrekin QuanJuly 7th, 2010 at 7:58 PM

Big Thanks to everyone at iPhoneartPhotography, I truly enjoyed participating and continue to enjoy sharing my view of the world around me thru my iPhone. Love all the creative photos everyone shared and hope that everyone keeps on being creative and continue to share their view of the world. Thanks!

Francisco Huguenin UhlfelderJuly 8th, 2010 at 9:28 AM

“Cinema Verite” – If it has a ringtone – it’s a camera !

it started already with the polaroid SX-70 – Contemporary Artist found that new toy. and now this…
the topic headline:
“Cinema Verite” – “If it has a ringtone – it’s a camera !”
is a dedication to the nyc samsung advert.

Is the mobile photography the new (“ad hoc”) instant instument of demonstrating your personality and when yes, why ?

2nd what can we expect further on for politics, news, art, etc ?

So now pl continue and speak about the future…
Best, Francisco

Francisco Huguenin UhlfelderJuly 11th, 2010 at 9:23 AM

Cinema Verite,
literally film truth, was a style of film making developed by French film directors in the 1960’s. Their production techniques did not depend on star quality actors, sets, props, casts of thousands, special effects and big budgets which was the trend in Hollywood films then as now. The cinema verite directors used non-actors, small hand- held cameras, and actual homes and surroundings as their location for a film. One of their production techniques was to tape record actual conversations, interviews and statements of opinion make by real people. Then they would find pictures to illustrate the actual sound recordings. The final production was put together in the editing room (which is also true of fiction/fantasy films). Cinema verite was characterized by the use of real people (not actors) in unrehearsed situations. Filming was done with unobtrusive cameras so the subjects of the film would forget the presence of the camera and just be themselves. The filmmakers goal was to show life as it really is using the film as his artistic medium. Sets and props were never used and everything was shot on location, often with a small, portable camera. The camera could be taken into peoples homes, automobiles, and other places where the heavy, bulky feature film cameras could not easily go.

Francisco Huguenin UhlfelderJuly 12th, 2010 at 5:05 PM

Prolog to the iPhone Art Photography by portuguese poet
Paulo Jose Miranda (translations soon)

O espaço sempre foi o grande problema
que as artes visuais encontraram na sua tentativa de chegar as pessoas.
A arte não vinha até você,
você tinha de ir até à arte:
até à galeria, até ao museu, até algum lugar…

Com a iPhone Art Photography
a fotografia chega até você.
Finalmente, à imagem da música com o iPod,
você tem galerias na palma da mão.

E a arte na palma da sua mão
pode estar a ser realizada neste preciso momento
na outra parte do mundo,
chegando até você enquanto espera
a sua vez de entrar no museu…

Espaço, tempo e criação unem-se com iPhone Art Photography.
Aqui e agora, hic et nunc esse,
e para sempre.

iPhone Art Photography
humanos trocando beleza.

Paulo José Miranda


Francisco Huguenin UhlfelderJuly 27th, 2010 at 4:07 PM


Prolog to the iPhone Art Photography
by portuguese poet
Paulo Jose Miranda

Space has always been the Visual Arts’ greatest problem when trying to reach people.
Art did not come to you,
You had to go to art:
to the gallery, to the museum, anywhere…

With the iPhone Art Photography,
photography comes to you.
At last, just as with the music inthe iPod,
you have galleries in the palm of your hand.

And the art in the palm of your hand
May be made this precise moment
on the other side of the world,
reaching you while you wait your turn
to enter the museum.

Space, time and creation join iPhone Art Photography.
Here and now, hic et nunc esse,
and forever.

iPhone Art Photography –
Human beings sharing beauty.

Paulo José Miranda

translation Daly Oliveira


Francisco Huguenin UhlfelderJuly 27th, 2010 at 4:15 PM


Prolog zu der iPhone Art Photography
vom portugiesischem Dichter
Paulo Jose Miranda

Der Raumbegriff war schon immer ein Hindernis der bildenden Künste
um an die Menschen zu gelangen.
Die Kunst kam nicht zu dir,
du musstest zur Kunst gehen:
in die Galerie, ins Museum, irgendwohin…

Mit iPhone Art Photography
kommt die Fotografie zu dir.
Endlich, wie die Musik im iPod,
hast du Galerien in deiner Hand.
Und die Kunst in deiner Hand
kann gerade jetzt am andern Ende der Welt entstehen,
und sie kommt zu dir noch bevor du das Museum betreten hast.

Raum, Zeit, Schöpfung vereint mit iPhone Art Photography.
Hier und jetzt, hic et nunc esse,
und für alle Zeiten.

iPhone Art Photography –
Die Begegnung der Menschen
mit dem Schönen.

Paulo José Miranda

Uebersetzung: Daly Oliveira


LucaApril 6th, 2011 at 11:41 AM

Yes! So many beautyfull pictures.Thanks Greg and Lovelorn Poets. We are working on a new contest, but we still have no launch date yet.

Pickpocket GalleryMay 16th, 2011 at 9:19 PM

I have a gallery in Lisbon, Portugal and I would be glad to do an exhibition of this project.
If you feel like it, just get back to me.


RonMarch 19th, 2012 at 4:58 AM

Just looking thru this site….looks interesting but is it still an active FB page? Don’t see any activity since 2010???

I would like to participate if it is active.


Ron Ward

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